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From any food item, say, rice, wheat, pulses, vegetable or fruits, we don’t get exactly the same taste that we experienced 50 years ago. When I say this, I am sure those who are above 50 would agree with me instantly. In fact, it’s not only the taste that is missing; but the aroma and the Vitamins and Minerals essential for our health are all missing from the food we eat. Learned persons say that there are about 13 vitamins and a few minerals most essential for the human body to work as intended. All the more, there should be a daily intake of these Vitamins and Minerals to maintain the healthy condition of the human body. When I was a child and adolescent, we used to get almost all, certainly not all, of these Vitamins and Minerals from our food. But, nowadays, the food we consume does not supply the much-needed Vitamins and Minerals. We just consume the food for the sake of eating. Neither the food we eat satisfies the craving of our taste buds nor it supplies the Vitamins and Mine...